Newsletter 30th Sept 2022

30th September 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

Social Hangout

A friendly and relaxed group with games and light refreshments, open to any children with additional needs and their parents/carers. Siblings are also welcome. Come along 10.30am to 12pm at All Saints Church Hall, Sidmouth, EX108EX or call Ruth on 07961915598 for details.

Autumn Covid Booster Vaccination

The Autumn Covid Booster vaccination is now available to all unpaid carers aged over 16. Book or manage a COVID-19 vaccination

Further guidance for the COVID-19 autumn booster can be found here

National Online Safety

You can register with our school here to create a free account, download the National Online Safety App and access free resources.

Augmentative and Alternative Communication

To mark AAC month, AssertiveWare is offering an extra trial month and a 50% discount on orders between October 11th and 17th. View the offer details here


Exmouth Foodbank provides food help to anyone struggling to make ends meet, from its premises in Sheppards Row.

Tel: 07749 322291

Devon Information Advice and Support (DIAS) free online sessions:
Click here for all details and to book a free place

  • Demystifying SEND: Tues 4th October, 10.30am – 12.30pm
  • EHCP Review Myth-busting: Mon 10th October, 10:30am – 12.30pm
  • Listening to your Child’s Views: Tues 11th October, 10.30am – 12.30pm

Devon County Financial Support and Advice
Help with household bills, energy costs and financial assistance

Do you need help with childcare costs?
The Government’s Childcare Choices lists all the schemes available here