Autism Awareness Workshops

9th March 2022

Babcock - Autism Awareness Parent Programme

We are delighted to launch our new Parent Autism Awareness programme, following our recent offer of the Cygnet programme online during the pandemic period.

The programme is for parents/carers of Devon primary and secondary school children, pre or post diagnosis. Access is for families of Children & Young People (CYP) who are currently on the autism assessment pathway, in addition to families of CYP who have received an autism diagnosis.

Is this course for me?

During and after a diagnosis parents and carers can have many questions about autism and may feel isolated in managing their child’s needs. Children’s needs also change over time, and information and advice received when a child is younger may need to be updated to be relevant for the child/young person today. Attending the Autism Awareness Parent Programme gives parents and carers an opportunity to develop their understanding of autism and look at practical solutions to managing and supporting presenting needs.

4 weekly ‘live online’ sessions (approx. 2hrs each) related to the following topic/themes:

Parent Autism Awareness Programme

Programme 2
(1 - 3 pm)
Programme 3
(10 - 12 noon)
Programme 4
9.30 - 11.30 am)
Autism Overview 27 April 6 May 22 June
Communication  4 May 13 May 29 June
Understanding and Supporting Behaviour 11 May 20 May 6 July
Sensory  25 May 27 May 13 July


Apply direct by email to:

Once engaged in the programme we will maintain contact on a weekly basis to invite any questions you may have related to programme topics and signpost you to additional resources and themes to support your learning.

Additional Topic-Based Workshops (delivered live online)

For parents/carers to choose from, based on the priority needs for their child/young person and desired knowledge and further understandin in these topic areas.

Topic-Based Workshops for Parents

16 March 1 - 3 pm Autism - Girls
26 April 9.30 - 11.30 am Autism - Commuinication (pre/non verbal - support strategies)
16 May 12.30 - 2.30 pm Autism - Communication (verbal - support strategies)
24 May 9.30 - 11.30 am Autism - Managing Stress and Anxiety
15 June 9.30 - 11.30 am Autism - Demand Avoidance and Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA)
8 July 9.30 - 11.30 am Autism - Vulnerability and Online Safety
28 July 9.30 - 11.30 am Autism - Sensory Processing and Integration

Apply direct by email to: