Information sessions for parents, carers and professionals who support children in the early years with complex needs
The Early Years Complex Needs Service will be providing funded information sessions for parents, carers and professionals who support children in the early years with complex needs.
To attend just click on the Teams link, as listed below. You are welcome to attend more than one session.
Inclusive Strategies to Support Communication
This session will cover:
- how, what and why we communicate
- functional communication for children who are pre-verbal
- how we can support early interaction, attention, listening and understanding
- objects of reference
- choice making and creating opportunities for communication
Tuesday 6th June at 7pm-8.30pm Click here to join the meetingThursday 8th June at 3.30pm-5pm Click here to join the meeting
Friday 9th June at 1pm-2.30pm Click here to join the meeting
Inclusive Strategies to Support Play
This session will cover:
- the importance of play
- stages of play
- ideas for Exploratory play
- ideas for Cause and effect play
- how to support a child’s play
Thursday 6th July at 3.30pm-5pm Click here to join the meetingThursday 6th July ay 7pm-8.30pm Click here to join the meeting
Friday 7th July at 10am-11.30am Click here to join the meeting
Positive Approaches to Support Children’s Emotional Regulation
This session will cover:
- to understand how perceived stress can cause emotional dysregulation
- to be aware of the ‘age appropriateness’ of children’s dysregulated responses
- to be aware of and be able to identify the communicative intent behind children’s emotional dysregulation
- to explore the possible reasons for children’s emotional dysregulation
- to understand how STAR charts can be used to see patterns in children’s dysregulation
- to have the skills and strategies to be able to create an Emotional Regulation Plan.
Tuesday 13th June 2023 at 7pm-8.30pm Click here to join the meetingThursday 15th June 2023 at 3.30pm-5pm Click here to join the meeting
Friday 16th June 2023 at 10am-11.30am Click here to join the meeting
If you need any further information then please let us know:
Brenda Glanville:
Chris Fogarty:
Sarah Warren: